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remotely controlled Aquatic Drones

video tour of the Aquatic drone

Our users reviews

With the Aquatic Drone inspection of AquaSmartXL we can inspect quicker. Inspecting structures becomes a lot safer and in the end the maintenance can be carried out in a better way because of that.
Nataly Katan
Innovation Manager, Vopak
With the aid of AquaSmartXL we could contribute to an innovative way of inspections. This is important for Valuepark because it is in line with our strategy for the future.

Dennis Broeke
Manager Water-based Infrastructure, North Sea Ports

Your smart pair of eyes on the water

It is much safer to use an Aquatic Drone for our quay construction inspections, because the location is very difficult to access. Especially taking into account that this is a port with a tide.

Mario Calbert
Harbour Master, Port of Oostende
Having had the pleasure of accompanying AquaSmartXL through this innovation project, I’m impressed by their professionalism as a team and in their deliverables. I found the 3-d model to be visual and extremely user friendly. Smart solutions for structural health monitoring.
Noémie Wouters,
CEO, Greenbridge